Town of Hilliard, FL - Parks & Recreation Dept. | Kids Out and About Jacksonville

Town of Hilliard, FL - Parks & Recreation Dept.

37516 Oxford St.
Hilliard , FL , 32046
Phone: 904.845.2733
30° 41' 32.2188" N, 81° 55' 25.3416" W
Contact name: 
Kyle Malucci
Hilliard is the second most populated municipality in Nassau County. Hilliard is the home of the Federal Aviation Administration Facility, which is the Town's largest employer and the County's fifth largest employer. Hilliard is also home of the Hilliard Airpark, one of the last remaining public grass landing strips in Florida and serves many local and distant pilots. The Hilliard Airpark is also where the Town holds its annual Fourth of July Festivities and Fireworks Display.
Various classes and lessons are offered throught the recreation department.