Horse Sense and Sensitivity - Florida

Horse Sense & Sensitivity is a non-profit organization that provides facilities and support for therapeutic horseback riding and physical therapy on horseback (hippotherapy.) These services are provided for physically and mentally challenged children and adults in the Jacksonville area.
Our all volunteer Board of Directors is composed of community members committed to quality horseback riding instruction made available for all including those with special needs.
The safety of riders, volunteers and horses is a major concern for Horse Sense & Sensitivity. We teach volunteers and riders safe ways to work with horses. We carry full liability insurance and each instructor is also individually insured.
Participants who cannot afford a modest instructor fee may apply for a scholarship through the instructors. Donations may be specifically directed to scholarship funding.
Want to volunteer? We do a comprehensive training session covering different types of equine assisted therapies, the roles of side-walkers and horse handlers (our two main volunteer roles), important safety tips and other information about Horse Sense and our operations. In addition, there is a hands on portion of the training. We will groom and tack the horses and practice the roles of side walkers and horse handlers. Please wear closed toed shoes.