Artist Connection Theatre Presents: The Jungle Book | Kids Out and About Jacksonville

Artist Connection Theatre Presents: The Jungle Book

In an exciting twist on the tale you know and love, interspersed within is the equally intriguing story of original Jungle Book author Rudyard Kipling, who is sent from his home in Bombay to a British boarding school where he encounters his own “jungle,” including people—both good and otherwise—who parallel many of the animal characters he created. Filled with excitement and humor, the play highlights the struggle of good versus evil, the worth of friendship, and the importance of loyalty and other values required for surviving the “law of the jungle.”

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*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.


5566 Fort Caroline Rd.
Jacksonville, FL, 32277
United States


(904) 829-4017
Contact name: 
Ben Jaeger
Evening Shows 7:30PM | Sunday Matinee 3:00PM
$15 - $25


All Ages Adults & kids together